Life-long Learning: A Thinking Schools Approach
BCAT’s commitment to Thinking Schools pedagogy means the curriculum is designed and implemented through an educational community in which all members share a common commitment to giving regular, careful thought to everything that takes place.
This involves both students and staff learning how to think reflectively, critically and creatively, and employing these skills and techniques in the construction of a meaningful curriculum and associated activities. These tools encourage resilience and independence, giving students confidence in their learning. Cognitive approaches also support good mental health and well-being encouraging children to discuss how they think and feel about themselves, whilst developing strategies to embrace challenge and strengthen self-belief. This approach has a track record of success with children and young people and improved mental health has a tangible impact on pupil outcomes across a wide range of abilities, with improved independent and co-operative learning skills, high levels of achievement and enjoyment and satisfaction in learning. Embedded within this is a commitment to promoting excellence in literacy and numeracy; so that our students leave us as highly thoughtful practitioners with exceptional literacy and numeracy skills which allow them to showcase their knowledge and understanding.
All curriculum areas will cater for disadvantaged students through the implementation of our ‘PP Pledge’ - this places initial focus on these learners with the mantra of Pupil Premium F1RST, ensuring they are making excellent progress. The SEND students in our school will have personalised support, and strategies are implemented in all lessons to meet their individual needs.