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Late in March, students enjoyed our latest careers fair. Thank you to the local businesses and course providers for coming along to inspire our students. Read about the event at:


Pupils and staff at Barton Manor School have embarked on an exciting journey to gain a prestigious Artsmark Award. Find out more at:


Our fantastic school is recruiting more admin staff... have a look and see if something grabs your interest!


Y8 Students at BMS will also be attending...




We've recently begun a partnership with to provide students with greater access to the world of Performing Arts. For more information on the range of backstage and front of stage courses they run, have a look at


We are looking for a great DT Technician who wants to join our school and assist in a very supportive department. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in this role, please click the link below:…


All students in Years 7 & 8 took part in an Anti-bullying Assembly by the local Police. They learnt about the laws, different types of bullying and the effects that bullying can have on others.


We want to make a difference to the homeless of Canterbury. We are in urgent need of some festive treats for our Porchlight Christmas Gift Box Appeal. Please see our website for ideas of what can be donated by 1 Dec. We need time to wrap and deliver! Thank you.


Another group of Y8 students visited last week to see the Crown Jewels, visit the White Tower and see Traitors Gate. They also attended a Protest and Rebellion workshop which they loved!


Our Bake Sale for Children in Need raised £215.30 which is amazing from just two year groups at BMS.


There's a real & growing concern re how many young people share inappropriate images online, leading to potential exploitation, blackmail & harm from a young age & leaving a lasting digital footprint. If you share it, you're involved. Speak to the DSL team if you've concerns.


Keeping Children Safe Online - a great poster for parents to share with their children.


Some Year 8 students at Barton Manor were pleased to head over to Barton Court and watch talks from the BBC Bitesize Careers roadshow last week. Students learned about a wide variety of career pathways in fashion, TV production and academia.


We are proud of our students, Moree, Shafin & Laila for putting themselves forward as advocates for the young people of Canterbury in the elections. If you are aged between 11-18 please show your support by voting online at by Friday 17 November


Students in Art made a poppy dress to commemorate Remembrance


Students visited the Memorial in Canterbury to lay a wreath on behalf of BMS for those who have fought for our country. Meeting Eric from the RBL enabled them to learn about the role of the Legion & ask questions about the memorial & the importance of Remembrance Day



After a big victory last match the Y7 football team were looking to continue their form. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case in the 1st half with SLBGS leading two goals to nil. They fought back though & within the last 10 minutes won 3-2! Great fighting spirit & determination.


A fantastic performance by the Year 8 Football team yesterday. After failing to put away the chances in their last game, the Year 8’s finally found their shooting boots securing a 7-1 victory against St Anselm's School. The team should be proud of their performance.


A fantastic performance by the Y8 Football team yesterday. After failing to put away the chances in the their last game, the Y8’s final found their shooting boots securing a 7-1 victory against St Anselm's School. The team should be proud of their performance.


We've once again completed a comprehensive online safety training programme and gained recognition as a NOS Certified School, demonstrating our commitment to keeping children and young people safe online.


An excellent display by the Year 7 Football Team last week; the team were 2-0 down in the first 15 minutes and fought back to win 9-3!Stand out performers were Salako, Kapadia, and Kareem. An excellent performance from the group and a brilliant team effort.


Porchlight were delighted to receive our cheque for over £1,000 following all the fundraising the School took part in last year.Porchlight was one of the School's chosen charities and monies raised were by our very first year group which was a fantastic effort!


Barton Court Academy Trust (BCAT) and all schools within the Trust are committed to Quality First Teaching and personalised provision, in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice, 2015.

Learners needs are met through a graduated approach starting at a whole-school level of personalised teaching, with additional support that can be introduced to overcome barriers.  Provision should continually evolve with our students’ development to maximise on successes and to overcome emergent or developing needs. We are committed to working with all families and the community to support our students.  If a student with SEND is not making their expected progress we offer targeted intervention and whole-school initiatives as outlined in the links on this page.

We have a commitment to high quality and meaningful teaching and learning, captured in our Teaching and Learning policy.

What is the Special Educational Needs (SEN) information report?

The SEN information report details the provision that Barton Manor School offers when open to students from September 2022, with special education and disability needs. To find out more about the new SEND code of practice, visit the SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years on the Department for Education website.

SEND Code of Practice

SEN information

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.  At Barton Manor School we are determined to identify and meet the needs of all students in order to allow them to arrive at and even exceed their potential.  Our school building is accessible via lifts and has disabled toilets.  Our SEND and equalities policies can be found on our website and any queries can be directed to our SENCo Mitch Halpin:

The links here relate to those students who have difficulties that affect their learning and are recognised as needing specific types of support. Follow the links below to find out more about how we work to support young people with a range of additional needs.

If you wish to find out more about Kent Local Offer, please use the link below:

Inclusive Classroom

Our Vision Statement, ‘No one gets left behind’, represents our inclusive approach to education. We believe that all pupils have a right to access every opportunity that school offers; teachers and support staff are key to enabling pupils to do this. The ‘5 Cs’ provide a handy reminder to staff that they can adapt their approach to meet the needs of nearly all pupils.
