Gifted and Talented
Vision and Mission
At Barton Manor School we wish to nurture and develop all students and to provide an environment rich in opportunities for learning, and for the development of individual gifts and talents.
We aim to inspire our students to be global citizens prepared for the exciting opportunities and challenges of today’s world. They will be encouraged to develop thinking skills that can be applied across disciplines, to learn languages that will allow them to communicate with confidence, and to develop the skills of leadership, collaboration and self-knowledge essential for happiness and personal fulfilment.
Each student at Barton Manor is unique and our programmes are designed to support the developing needs of our students. The Gifted and Talented programmes are created to ensure the very best success for those students identified as having a particular gift or talent, but are also open to all students who wish to aim high and achieve the very best in their academic and personal development.
We identify pupils as being either gifted or talented through using a mixture of factors such as baseline data, primary school recommendation and teacher identification. Pupils may be identified as being able to achieve above what is expected for their age across a range of academic subjects. Likewise, pupils may be identified as being particularly talented in one subject area, for example the creative subjects or sport.
The Grammar Learning Pathway
In Key Stage 3, there is an opportunity for students to follow the “Grammar Learning Pathway”.
Students study an academic curriculum making sure they are stretched and challenged across a wide range of traditional subjects, which includes a Modern Foreign Language. This programme provides ideal preparation for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) programme at Key Stage 4 (KS4).
In Key Stage 4, all students start their GCSE/Level 2 courses and there is an opportunity for students to study the traditional EBacc programme. This is the most prestigious learning pathway offered and will lead to the English Baccalaureate qualification. The EBacc provides students with a broad range of academic subjects upon which to build any future career options. It is expected by this Government that all students, at KS4, follow this pathway and it is recognised as a highly prestigious pathway by school Sixth Forms, Colleges, Universities and employers and is ideal preparation for Post-16 study.
To achieve the EBacc, students must gain a GCSE grade 9-5 in six subjects. These subjects must include:
- Mathematics
- English Language
- 2 Sciences (2 from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Combined Science (2 GCSEs))
- 1 Humanity (1 from History or Geography)
- 1 MFL (1 from French or Spanish)
There are a wide range of opportunities and activities available at Barton Manor for students to enjoy. These enrichment opportunities are provided to expose our students to exciting and interesting ideas that, in turn help them to develop into confident and curious young men and women. In addition, undertaking a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and demonstrating a wide learning experience is a vital element of preparation for university application. As a partnership school with Barton Court Grammar School, Kent University, Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Creative Arts we are able to access a wide range of opportunities on offer. These have often taken the role of workshops and visits that demonstrate what university life is like and makes sure that pupils are aware of it as an option. In addition, we plan for students to be involved in the nationally recognised “Brilliant Club” scheme.
Students will be encouraged to develop their leadership skills over the course of their years at Barton Manor, and we wish to see them become independent and confident leaders in our school community. Therefore, in addition to our ambassador system, we provide opportunities for students to become subject prefects, to lead clubs and societies, and to establish their own extra-curricular activities and societies. All students will be encouraged to organise an event, either for a charitable cause, to promote a club or society, or to entertain and exhibit work to the public.
In addition, students will be encouraged to develop confidence and ability in public speaking and presentation through participation in debate and public speaking societies. All students will receive coaching and guidance in effective presentation and public speaking skills. Students will also be given the opportunity to participate in formal debate competitions.
Experiential Learning
There will be a wide range of trips and visits available to students over the course of the year, and we would encourage students to take advantage of the opportunity to develop their understanding and experience of the world. Students will also be encouraged to suggest and plan trips which they regard as beneficial and exciting for a group.
In addition, students will have access to a range of workshops and Cultural Capital Days. It is our aim that students regard enrichment as an essential element of learning, and that they feel comfortable in new and challenging learning environments. These experiences are designed to encourage independent learning and the investigation of possible career paths.
Support and Mentoring
At Barton Manor School we aim to provide support and direction for our students. There are several programmes available that are intended to help students aim for success with a real sense of purpose and determination in their vital years at school. Students will have the benefit of guidance and support in Years 7 – 9 and in Years 10 – 13, these bespoke programmes are intended to meet their needs, as their interests and abilities emerge and develop. Each subject area has their own initiative, expertly led by the Curriculum Lead.
Students at Barton Manor School will have access to a wide range of support as they prepare for success. Each student on the Gifted register will be designated a staff mentor who will track and monitor their progress and ensure that they are achieving their academic potential in the subject in which they have displayed ability.
In addition, all students will work closely with the Gifted and Talented Coordinator who will meet with them on a regular basis. The Gifted and Talented Coordinator will hold regular focus groups in which students can share ideas and concerns, develop ideas for events and presentations, and determine the future of the programmes on offer. Student voice is essential so that programmes are fresh, innovative and interesting for the student body.
Curriculum Support – providing stretch and challenge in subject areas
In the classroom we ensure that all pupils are pushed by regular use of Thinking Skills techniques and rich questioning. Pupils are placed in appropriate sets in order for their needs to be met, the most academically able within the grammar stream that provides learning at a pace and challenge equivalent to Barton Court Grammar School. Lessons include an element of extension activities which are designed by the teacher to push the most able and most engaged. On top of this we strive to develop pupils as independent learners, developing the skills that will support them for a life of continual learning. This will involve extracurricular projects and opportunities to support pupils to push their understanding further. Pupils will also be given personalised and group support to further hone their skills and meet their individual needs. There will be joint opportunities with Barton Court Grammar School.
Parent/Carer Support
Parent support is vital and there are many ways that you can become involved and help us to support the development of happy and successful young people.
- If you have a particular experience within a professional career, we would welcome your input and time in the form of lectures, workshops or support sessions.
- We frequently require professional support for mock-interviews in a range of fields.
- We will hold a number of careers events, including a careers fair that require a variety of professional representatives to help students learn about the world of work.
- Professional mentors are vitally important and help us to support students who aspire to careers unique to those of their own family members.
- We aim to help students find rich and interesting work experience opportunities that pertain to a possible career choice. If you are able to offer students a short placement, we would love to hear from you.
- We hold several information evenings over the school year to help and support parents, and offer advice on ways that parents can help their son or daughter to become happy, independent and passionate life-long learners.
Additional Opportunities
Students gifted or talented in a specific field or subject will be provided with opportunities within and beyond the classroom to achieve their own personal excellence. They will be consistently challenged to push themselves further and given opportunities to share their ability with others through leadership and challenging learning tasks. The success of our students will be widely celebrated as we celebrate a culture where gifts and talents are nurtured and appreciated.
Extra-curricular opportunities, visits, competitions, exhibitions, events, concerts, productions, will be widely available and students will be encouraged to take part with as many as possible to extend their skills further and to broaden their learning.
Gifted and Talented students in Key Stage 3 will complete a programme within Tutor Time which is focused on developing key learning strategies which will support their ability to push and challenge themselves in lessons and become the most confident learners possible. Students in Key Stage 4 will be given the opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification. This GCSE course provides the students with an opportunity to research into a topic of personal interest and complete an academic piece of writing about it. Whilst completing the project they develop a range of transferrable skills including research, organisation, problem-solving and communication. Students in Year 11 will be supported to develop the strategies required to achieve the highest possible grades in their GCSE examination through effective learning and revision strategies. We plan for students to be given the opportunity to be part of the ‘Brilliant Club’ scheme which gives them the opportunity to work with a PhD graduate to complete a series of tutorials and finally produce their own academic piece of writing.
It is planned that Barton Manor will work closely with Barton Court Grammar School and very closely with local universities to support our Gifted and Talented students. These opportunities push students to take their gifts and talents to a higher level and have experiences to support their passion for life-long learning.
The school has a large multi-purpose sports hall and extensive playing fields to encourage participation, enjoyment and progression to elite performance in Physical Education and Sports. Students will be inspired and encouraged to engage in physical activity and in sport for the longer term to support both healthy life styles and enjoyment. All students in the school will access compulsory core PE. Classes will be separate for boys and girls and include a wide variety of team and individual sports and exercise options.
It is expected that sports teams and individual athletes will compete at local, regional and national level as the opportunities arise. There will be a wide range of extra-curricular activities offered both after school and lunchtime which will change as per the seasons throughout the year.
Progression and elite sports
We believe that BMS’s outstanding PE and Sports curriculum and state-of-art sports facilities will be a strength of the school and we intend to offer a wide range of sports for all to participate, but also ensure we have progression for our most talented students. At KS4 students will be able to study options such as Level 2 BTEC Sport and GCSE PE in addition to participation in core PE. At KS5 students will be able to study options such as Level 3 BTEC Sport or A Level PE. This will ensure we have the right support for those with the aptitude and desire for careers in PE and/or Sport and Sport Science.
In addition to our own facilities, we will work in collaboration with local elite sport groups and clubs to make use of local sports facilities in Canterbury and the surrounding area which will support wider engagement, participation and progression in sports within the School.
Creative Arts, Technology, Music, Drama and Dance
To support our vision of delivering excellence in creative, vocational and performance education the School offers excellent facilities in Art, Technology, Music, Drama and Dance. We believe having opportunities to develop the creative, applied and performance aspirations and talents of our students enhances children’s educational experience and for many it raises confidence and self-esteem. Whether they wish to pursue these areas as a future career or take part in them for the sheer enjoyment.
Art has 3 classrooms on the north side of the School to aid perfect lighting for the subject with views of the city to inspire the study of Art, 3D Art and Photography. Students will be able to study GCSE and A Level Art as well as BTEC Art and Photography. There will be a range of extra –curricular opportunities, links with Further Education and Higher Education, local and national competitions.
Music has excellent facilities that will support Music and Music Technology both in the curriculum and by offering wider opportunities. Music rooms and facilities are all based around the main hall and drama studio with 2 classrooms, multiple practice rooms and a sound/lighting/recording booth to support joint work between the departments and extra-curricular projects such as school productions, concerts and recording. Students will be able to study GCSE and A Level Music as well as BTEC Music and Music Technology. Music lessons will be available as well as a range of extra-curricular opportunities, links with BCGS to expand current provision and ensure talented musicians have clear progression routes to develop across a diverse range of music genres. There will be access to a calendar of competitions such as “Battle of the Bands” as well as opportunities for collaboration for joint concerts and performances.
Drama, Dance and Performance
Drama has its own bespoke Drama Studio with a bi-folding wall, linked to the main hall and music, for school productions and larger dramatic events. This allows Drama to be taught in a variety of different spaces as a discrete subject and through cross-curricular links to other subjects. To ensure Drama can flourish from its opening BMS pupils will be able to access Drama at BCGS to give them opportunities for collaboration such as joint productions, trips and theatre visits and workshops with Further and Higher Education.
The Dance Studio, with sprung dance floor and floor to ceiling mirrors, is located in the Sports hall on the second floor with its own learning space and resources. This will be led by a Dance specialist and delivered as a separate subject. The vision is that all of the creative and performance subjects can thrive individually in their own right but also collectively as a Performance Suite where students can work together on joint projects, concerts and performances.
Vocational and Applied specialist facilities
At BMS Technology and skills-based learning will be of the highest standards and expectations so that courses are of high quality. All pupils will study technology at KS3 and will be able to choose from a wide variety of vocational options at KS4 and KS5 such as Hospitality & Catering or Engineering or more traditional GCSE or A Level in Product Design and Food Technology. Technology has 3 separate classrooms to offer Hospitality & Catering, Design Technology and Engineering and in addition to ensure students have as wide a range of opportunities as possible. BMS will work in collaboration with local colleges and FE providers to support progression for those students wishing to access Apprenticeships and Vocational training.
Links with other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects in the School and across the Trust will be encouraged and the Trust Lead for Technology will oversee provision in all 3 schools, competitions, collaboration and links with industry, Further and Higher Education.