Local Governing Board
The governance structure of the Trust consist of a Board of Trustees (Directors) who are responsible for the strategic direction, financial management and performance of the Trust and each school within the Trust.
Each School within BCAT has its own Local Governing Body (LGB).
The Local Governing Body is responsible for
- Reporting to the Trust Board on the overall performance of the School
- Monitoring the annual spend of that part of the Trust budget delegated to be managed by the Head of School
- Monitoring of educational outcomes of the School
- Monitoring all aspects of safeguarding, SEN, equality and student welfare
- Dealing with the regulatory requirements of admissions policy-setting and exclusions through designated committees of the LGB
- Liaising with the Trust Board and Executive Headteacher on all aspects of policy setting as they may respectively require
- Arranging election of elected members of the LGB as directed by the Trust Board and in accordance with the Articles of Association
The Chair of BCAT and the Executive Headteacher are entitled to attend all LGB meetings and those of any sub-committees.
The Chair of the LGB can be contacted via email to the clerk (clerk@bartoncourt.org) or by writing to the school directly.
Barton Manor School, Spring Lane, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1SU