Individual Care and Support
Students will be placed in a tutor group with a Form Tutor who will get to know your child and be a familiar point of contact when needed.
Daily contact with a personal tutor will ensure that your child is well cared for on a daily basis and ensure ongoing consistent support for academic development and well-being.
Students will be a member of a House and this will provide opportunities for students of all ages to work together and support each other to develop leadership, teamwork and problem solving skills.
A programme of PSHEE will be delivered by daily tutor periods and Cultural Capital / Enrichment Days.
Small, Safe and a Friendly Community
Barton Manor School will have an ethos of a happy and harmonious community where students are motivated to achieve to the very best of their ability and develop into confident and successful adults.
Students will be encouraged to be courteous, respectful, caring of others and the environment. They will show a strong understanding of right and wrong, tolerance and respect for others. As a small school, we will know all our students well and we will grow as a family together.
Students will be encouraged and supported to develop as responsible citizens who will contribute to their school and the wider community. Students will appreciate British values such as democracy and freedom. The School will also inspire learning beyond the classroom, building students’ cultural capital by providing opportunities for enrichment. For the most academically gifted there will be support from Barton Court Grammar School.
Character and Aspiration
The School ethos will encourage traditional values such as hard work, integrity and respect, along with tolerance, diversity and inclusion to develop personal character and aspiration.
We will value and nurture our young people to understand the importance of hard work, strong moral principles, open mindedness, and care for others whilst embracing the modern technological world today.
The School will be forward-thinking and entrepreneurial. This can inspire our students today; everyone can work hard and be their very best. We want our students to have rich experiences that make them aspire for the very best careers and access to Higher Education and training.
Aspiring Together
Parents and carers are the primary educators in every child’s life and we believe successful schools work in strong partnership with them. That is why we believe in regular and informative communication between school and home.