Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum intention is to prepare students for further education and/or employment with a combination of an academic and vocational curriculum which suits the needs of our students. This is done whilst giving the students some autonomy over their studies, allowing them ownership for their learning.
We aim to create well-rounded individuals who appreciate right from wrong and understand British values and what these mean in modern-day Britain. Through our focus on PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) they will be happy, healthy and safe, whilst learning how to be considerate of others and the environment, enabling them to become good citizens via SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural). The PSHE and SMSC curriculums are adaptive in response to local context and national priorities, as well as to address specific needs of the students at the school.
Students will leave Barton Manor School with a clear vision of, and prepared for, their chosen future. They will be equipped with the qualifications, knowledge, skills and morals needed to succeed.
Curriculum Overview
At Barton Manor School we will offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which is both challenging and stimulating. All pupils in Years 7 to 9 will follow the National Curriculum and in Years 10 to 11 they will have the opportunity to study a range of GCSE, Vocational, BTEC, Technical and Creative subjects. The curriculum will be designed as far as practically possible to meet the needs of all learners
In Years 9 – 11 our curriculum will offer personalised pathways to successful and future opportunities in training, Further Education and ultimately in achieving fulfilling careers.
For any pupil who has additional and/or special educational needs we will have an outstanding team to support them. We will ensure that no child is left behind and all make exceptional progress. Equally, we will ensure any pupil who exhibits exceptional talents will be nurtured to excel.
Students at Barton Manor School will follow a curriculum that provides opportunity for students to study at a pace that suits each individual. This curriculum has been designed to allow students to focus on the key knowledge and understanding required whilst eliminating, as far as possible, repetition of topics already covered in primary school. English, Mathematics and Science strategies enable students to select a route that meets the individual needs of students.
The advantage of this scheme is a greater degree of flexibility and choice across the whole curriculum as students progress from Years 7 – 11. Students will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of learning pathways which will allow for a more personalised curriculum for both GCSE and Technical subjects; thereby selecting subjects that are relevant to their interests and talents, along with providing the appropriate challenge for each individual.
During both Key Stages there will be a strong focus on PSHE and SMSC within the curriculum to support students in being safe and healthy in modern-day Britain, and have an understanding and consideration of others around them and the environment, enabling them to become good citizens; this will be done through lessons, the tutor programme, PSHE sessions and enrichment days. The school recognises and identifies the importance of concepts, sequencing and spaced repetition within its Curriculum in order to help pupils retain learning in the long-term memory.