School Ethos
Barton Manor School Vision: Aspire, Believe, Achieve
At Barton Manor School students will aspire to be their very best and will be supported to believe in themselves and their ability to achieve and excel. Students will be encouraged and guided to develop as responsible citizens who will make a positive contribution to their School and the wider community. Students will appreciate British values such as democracy and tolerance and will develop into confident, independent and resilient young adults ready to meet the rapidly changing challenges of a 21st century world.
Barton Manor School: Values
To achieve Barton Manor School’s vision we have established a set of behaviours and characteristics that define how everyone within our community pledges to act; these are the values that we strive to demonstrate and personify on a daily basis.
Resilient / risk takers
Supportive of others
Thoughtful thinkers
Character and Aspiration
The School ethos will encourage traditional values such as hard work, integrity and respect, along with tolerance, diversity and inclusion to develop personal character and aspiration.
We will value and nurture our young people to understand the importance of hard work, strong moral principles, open mindedness, and care for others whilst embracing the modern technological world today.
The School will be forward-thinking and entrepreneurial. This can inspire our students today; everyone can work hard and be their very best. We want our students to have rich experiences that make them aspire for the very best careers and access to Higher Education and Training.
Aspiring Together
Parents and carers are the primary educators in every child’s life and we believe successful schools work in strong partnership with them. That is why we believe in regular and informative communication between school and home.